New Work – the space as engine for innovation
Everyone is talking about New Work – agile working methods, new leadership styles, non-hierarchical companies, and cultural change. What, in our opinion, still isn’t being discussed enough is what just the work environment itself can do for corporate change and a forward-looking approach. The role that rooms can play in the future as an engine of innovation is widely underestimated.
Five Building Blocks for succesful rooms
It will be precisely the spatial environment that ensures efficiency, inspiration, and health in the future. We’re sure of it. In our opinion, five building blocks can be defined that will make it possible to exploit the room’s potential in the present. With tailor-made concepts, we develop successful working environments for New Work.
The communicative building block
Communication is the basis for all kinds of relationships and, therefore, a fundamental part of the collaboration in teams, between departments, between companies, and between countries and cultures. Those who manage to promote dialog between talents – the basis for innovation – on their own premises will win in the competition between gig economy, start-up boom, and collaboration. Communicative building blocks show themselves today in lounges, multifunctional meeting rooms, and coziness – and, in the future, virtually.
The inspirational building block
We believe in the stimulating power of design; statistics prove it. The inspirational building blocks are catalysts for ideas and development. They can range in scale from loud design to puristic minimalism. Color and materials are integrated into a holistic concept that can play with surprise and changeability or remain consistently restrained and radiate tranquility.
The flexible building block
A good room can be adapted to the individual needs of the employee – whenever needed. That’s because it consists of modular, changeable, dynamic building blocks that can be used modularly as intelligent furniture, lighting concepts or partitioning systems. The flexible building block is indispensable in the rise of the functional room.
The technological building block
Technology creates efficiency; it is clear. Another effect that should not be underestimated: it generates enthusiasm. A company that works in a modern way is proven to be more attractive to applicants. Our aim is to systematically incorporate technology into the architecture, resulting in efficient infrastructure and attractive appearance. We create this symbiosis with our corporate sister DIA – Dittel Architekten In-House.
The identification building block
The favorite of our creative minds is the identification building block. The transformation of corporate culture into architectural language and its connection with one’s own ideas is an exciting, delicate process. Color, materials, zoning – everything has an influence on the degree to which the employee identifies with the company. Of this we are sure: a concept that caters to aesthetic demands and communicates the message »feel good« promotes identification to an enormous degree. The identification building blocks communicate corporate identity.
The space of the future is called Orchestrated Workspace
If we look at the potential that spaces already have today, we can predict the enormous possibilities of the future. In the symbiosis of architecture, advancing technological development, and function, rooms will become a responsive workspace, responsive to our needs. They will provide individualized service and becoming a coach who knows how to be a manager. Welcome to our vision of the future – welcome to the orchestrated workspace!